Exhibitors 2022

Result for TAG "Young Makers (< 18)"

MindSharing.tech APS & CoderDojo Roma SPQR

Alla Maker Faire 2022 arrivano rombanti i robot didattici di MindSharing.tech.

Jellyfish Fab

An amazing experience touching waterbeads, growing them and making them at home creating your own colourful waterbead lamp.

  L.1.19B (pav. L)

Scuola secondaria di Carimate

ARDU-FRIGO helps people use their fridge consciously and save energy.

gruppo fermodellistico tartaruga

our project brings electronics to the world of miniature railways

  L.1.08 (pav. L)

Giovanni Bernardo

Cheap and customizable STEM Robot based on Arduino Uno with parts printed in 3D and easy-available components.

Classe 5A Chimica ITI Cannizzaro

The nettle fibers have been kneaded with calcium oxide and water thus obtaining a resistant product. The compound obtained was placed inside a mold that allows to give the brick the desired shape.

ITIS "E. Fermi" - Tommaso Abitante, Tommaso Coviello, Matteo De Vivo, Emma Pucci, Valerio Leonetti, Emanuela Colangiuli.

It makes driving vehicles on two wheels easier, safer and smarter. Messages and sensors for innovative driving.


Biasi Riccardo, Martini Filippo, Ninni Nicolò, Zaramella Jacopo, I.T.I. "F. Severi" Padova PD, Italy, school of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Informatics.

It’s an innovative, effective and ergonomic exoskeleton fixed to the patient's legs, using elastic bands, for assistive and rehabilitative purposes.

Gruppo Scout FSE Pontinia1

The technology of yesterday, that of today and our idea of ??the future, trying in small gestures to make this world better than how we found it

Istituto Massimiliano Massimo

Make your big airplanes, or even, smartphone-controlled paper-based and get European drone pilot license to be ready for the future

  P.19 (pav. P)


Pico Bricks is an electronic development board + software which is designed for use in maker projects. With ten detachable modules included, Pico Bricks can be used to create a wide variety of projects. It also includes a protoboard that you can use to add your own modules!

Tehnical school, Slavonski Brod, Croatia, Mechanical computer technician, 4th grade

The press for cold pressing of oilseeds works on the principle of compressing the mass in it body by means of a spiral-shaped shaft that pushes the mass that we press forward.

Data updated on 2024-04-09 - 4.17.20 pm